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Precise Sleep Diagnosis & Treatment Center

Sleep Evaluations

Your first meeting will be with Dr. Joseph Kwentus. After a series of questions to see what areas of sleep are troublesome, Dr. Kwentus will decide on your specialized course of treatment; medication, sleep study, or sleep hygiene.

Home Sleep Studies

If Dr. Kwentus suspects you have sleep apnea, he may order a home sleep study (but only if your insurance covers this procedure). You take our device, sleep in your own bed, and return the device the next day!

Continued Care

We will continue to monitor your progress to ensure you keep getting the rest you deserve.

In-Lab Sleep Studies

If Dr. Kwentus orders an in-lab sleep study, it will take place here at Precise (see our lab to the left). During your study, our sleep technologist will monitor your breathing, heart rate, oxygen levels, and brainwaves to check for over 80 different sleep disorders!

Insomnia Program

The only program of its kind in Mississippi, our insomnia program is customized to your specific sleep needs in order to help get a good night's rest.

Are you suffering From Sleeping disorder..?


Frequently Asked Questions

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